Lee Seung-Cheon (Yook Sung-Jae) is a bright student from a poor family, deep in debt. He attends a prestigious high school for rich kids as a scholarship student, and is bullied by the rich kids.
Hwang Tae-Yong (Lee Jong-Won) is the richest of the rich kids. Initially he and Seung-Cheon are friendly, but Tae-Young is bullied by his father into betraying their friendship.
One day, Seung-Cheon meets a woman who sells him a golden spoon that can change his fate…
K-Drama Bingo Score
Using the Modern K-Drama set
Running commentary
Part supernatural thriller, part coming-of-age drama, The Golden Spoon looks delicious from episode 1. We already have crushing debt, bullying, cartoony fx and a memorial service in the first half hour. This is going to be good.
An excellent, well-paced drama with some good twists and turns amongst the rich and powerful. Wraps up with some nice social commentary about wealth inequality and the psychologies of poverty and aspiration. The love interest stuff gets pretty confusing for poor Junhee, what with all the body swapping going on.
- S01E02The Golden Spoon lets you switch families with someone else your age
- S01E01Underlies the entire series
- S01E01The underprivileged live in a shantytown slated for redevelopment
- Bonus point for: Three-person standoffs
- S01E01Crushing debt engenders suicide
- S01E12Juhee figuring things out
- S01E01Junhee needs to eat
- S01E02An old woman on the side of the road sells magic items to fulfill your dreams
- Bonus point for: A woman grabbing a man instead of the more common man grabbing woman
Unmatched Bingo Spaces
- Childhood friends forgotten
- Chicken & Beer
- Pinky swear
- Son Hyeung Min
- The Playground
- Thumbs up
- 강한나 (Kang Han-Na)
- 내 친구 ("My friend…")
- 한국어학교 (Language lessons)