Anna Korean Drama P1

Anna Bingo Card

(안나) 2022 Coupang Play

Lee Yu-Mi (Bae Suzy) works a crappy household servant job for a rich family. One day, she gets fed up and runs away, stealing the family's daughter's passport. She uses that to steal her identity, and manages to work her way up to university professor. She also marries a very powerful politician, set to become Mayor of Seoul in the next election. Soon, though, the lies start to catch up with her, and things start to unravel…

☐ (Dis)possession (2)

☐ Time travel or non-human disembodiment (+1)

☐ Childhood friends forgotten (2)

☐ If the previous encounter was in another life, body, or dimension (+1)

☐ Vehicular tragedy (2)

☐ Bullying (1)

☐ Cartoony FX (1)

☐ Chicken & Beer (1)

☐ Cramped quarters (1)

☐ Crushing Debt (1)

☐ Finger hearts (1)

☐ Korean Standoff (1)

☐ Three-person standoffs (+1)

☐ Memorial service (1)

☐ Middle-of-the-Road Soliliquy (1)

☐ Piggyback (1)

☐ A woman carrying a man (+1)

☐ Pinky swear (1)

☐ Touching thumbs at the end (+1)

☐ Rumble tummy (1)

☐ If the cause is not hunger, but need for a bathroom (+1)

☐ Shamans & Talismans (1)

☐ Son Hyeung Min (1)

☐ The Playground (1)

☐ Eating ice cream at the same time (+1)

☐ Thumbs up (1)

☐ Wrist grab (1)

☐ A woman grabbing a man instead of the more common man grabbing woman (+1)

☐ 강한나 (Kang Han-Na) (1)

☐ 내 친구 ("My friend…") (1)

☐ The friend, and the story, being real (+1)

☐ 한국어학교 (Language lessons) (1)